
Become a citizen of the “Trash Isles”

Par Marie Allimann | 25 septembre 2017 | International

An NGO is asking the UN to recognize the immense island of plastic waste in the North Pacific as its own country with a territory, citizens and a currency.

It’s no surprise to anyone anymore: there’s a “seventh continent” in the Pacific Ocean known as the Trash Isles, a gigantic floating mass of plastic trash the size of France, at 250,000 square miles. To help raise attention to this issue, the NGO Plastic Oceans Foundation and viral video and social media site LADbible have paired up to submit an official request, petitioning the United Nations to recognize this floating island of trash as a country.

Read more : Roads made from plastic salvaged from the oceans


When the UN General Assembly opened in New York on Monday, September 18, the online petition had already been signed by over 100,000 people. One of the first people to sign it was none other than former U.S. presidential candidate Al Gore, well known for his many years of work on environmental issues. The former U.S. Vice President also asked to become the first honorary citizen of the new country.

Read more : Adidas introduces a shoe made of recycled plastic from the ocean

Going one step further, a couple of ad creatives contributed to the project by designing a flag, passport, currency and stamps. The pictures on these fake bills show marine animals tangled up in plastic garbage.




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